Cosplay differs from Mardi Gras, Halloween and other costumed holidays, not only in the time of these independent holidays, but in its objective. The aim of cosplay is the interpretation: an attempt to become a character much like a stage actor living in a role. The costumes are expected to correspond fully to the dress known to be used by the character portrayed. Furthermore, generic costumes are treated with elaborately artistic methods. Cosplayers can buy or most common, create costumes through their own work. Cosplayers often are educated in the production of specialties such as sculpture, face painting, fiberglass, fashion design and similar things in an effort to make the look and feel of a costume with precision. Props are also a fun part of cosplay, because people really can go crazy with them.
Once in the costume, Cosplayers take the gestures and the body language of characters they represent. Cosplayers sometimes gather to see the other costumes, show their own creations, share tips, take pictures, and participate in contests. These activities are maintained inbetween the major gatherings and events by participating in forums and online groups.
Fans who take pictures instead of posing in Cosplay suits are known as kamekozo, or "children of the camera," and support amateur free Cosplay idol image and advertising. By contrast, Reiyaas are known as dedicated or hardcore Cosplayers. They gather in circles as a way to make friends, produce their own costumes and organize meetings.
There is an element of Cosplay ritual that puts users in a different state of mind. The use of costumes is not a rebellion or fame seeking, but a ready made social group for groups of people with similar interests. The Cosplay scene in Japan is incorporated daily in the lives of many people in cities such as Harajuku and Akihabara. It is an aspect of traditional Japanese culture that is reflected in the Cosplay culture. Cosplay and the artisans involved have the soul to go beyond the limits to make the fantasy a reality. Many Cosplayers think that Cosplay is an extension of world culture.
The steep growth of the number of people collecting Cosplay items since 1990 has made this phenomenon an important part of the popular culture. This is especially true in Asia, where Cosplay has influenced Japanese culture and street fashion. Companies are increasingly looking to meet Cosplayers interest in clothes, accessories, and collectibles.

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