If you've read my first two installments in this series, we've covered the reasons why people get into an online business and external factors as two of the reasons why people can't make money online. In this installment, I'm going to cover what I call the "head full of stuffing" syndrome. In plain English...information overload OR lack of information. Keep reading to find out why this is one of the most frustrating aspects of success that online business persons face.
Unless you have an education in business, which isn't a guarantee that you're going to have any success in itself, you're coming into this with a head full of nothing. You're totally at a loss as to where to even begin. Unless you have friends who can help you, you're totally on your own. Most people will, at that point, turn to the search engines...Google being the search engine of choice for about 50% of the population.
And if you're like most people, you'll type in something like, "How can I make money from home?" After doing this, you'll get a list of about 300,000 sites IF you type this with quotes to try to narrow things down at least a bit. Still, 300,000 sites is a lot to choose from. And each one has something different to say. You'll find a number of suggestions for making money from home including affiliate marketing, freelancing, creating your own products, network marketing and on and on. The choices are endless.
Where do you begin? Most people will just pick something that interests them, if anything. But then there is the problem of, "Okay, this is what I want to do...how do I do it?" That's where we then get into web page design, promotional tactics, and so on. There are more ways to promote a product or service online than Carter has liver pills. Problem is, some tactics work better than others to start off with. Add to that the fact that some tactics, like article writing, take skill...and you've got yourself another mess on your hands.
Who do you trust? What are you qualified to even do given your skill level? Can you increase your skill level? If so, can you find the right kind of instruction in order to make that happen? Gradually, your head full of nothing becomes a head full of stuffing. You've read and read and read until you're blue in the face. You are now more confused than ever. You know more, and at the same time, no less than when you first started simply because you have info overload...and still don't know what's good info and what's bad info.
Quite honestly, I don't know how anybody with no knowledge of business gets through this stage without somebody to take them by the hand and walk them through the process. Yes, I'm talking about a mentor or coach...whatever you want to call it.
If you find yourself in the above situation (totally confused) you might want to consider getting yourself a mentor or coach.
It just might save you from months of frustration spinning your wheels trying to figure this thing called making money online out.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of spinning your wheels trying to get your marketing off the ground? Haven't got a clue what you're doing and sick of being dead broke? Why not get some solid mentoring from somebody who has been EXACTLY where you are today? Check out my mentoring program at http://www.stevewagenheim.com/mentoring/mentoring.html and finally get yourself the one on one education that can FINALLY give you the success that you've been looking for. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Wagenheim |

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