The Cellulite reduction market is a multi-million dollar a year industry with various creams, lotions and other products that seem to work very little or not at all. Joey Atlas, a trainer who specializes in women and the creator of the Naked Beauty program has an entirely different approach to get rid of cellulite and one which has been getting a lot of positive reviews from many women. It's also one of the most affordable and simple and logical methods that I've ever seen in this field which is full of scams and false marketing.
In the Naked Beauty program Joey Atlas not only exposes why so many cellulite products completely miss the mark but what you should really do to finally have smooth skin on the back of your thighs and on your buttocks.
While many people believe that cellulite is a different kind of fat than the one on your arms, belly and so on, so it needs a special kind of treatment plan. This isn't true. Joey Atlas makes it quite clear that there is no such thing as a special fat. All fat is the same. It's the same tissue. The reason why cellulite exists in certain body parts is that the muscle tissue underneath the fat in those body part is often weaker and less firm than in other body parts.
This is partly caused by how we humans lead our lives in the modern society. Some muscles are simply not worked on as much as others. This causes those muscles to grow soft so they're not able to support the fatty tissue above. This is when cellulite happens, when the fat tissue sinks down in certain places which creates that dimpled waffly look of cellulite. Losing fat doesn't solve the problem since whatever fat you have left still isn't supported properly by the muscles beneath.
This is what Joey Atlas teaches in the Naked Beauty program: how simple body weight exercises that you can do at home for 15-22 minutes at a time can help you tone and firm the muscle tissue in your cellulite trouble spots. Doing so will strengthen the muscles so they'll push the fat tissue outward, creating a smoother looking skin. This is how you get rid of cellulite
All of the exercises are shown in video clips by Joey Atlas himself so you can just follow along with it until you get your desired results.
To read an interview in which Joey Atlas explains how to get rid of cellulite visit Joey Atlas Cellulite Video For more on Joey's method visit Naked Beauty Program Review John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport |

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