For small and medium sized businesses or SMBs, Internet marketing is very important. Regardless of what industry you are in, a well-thought-of online marketing technique will make a very big difference. With today's social media trends, social media platforms too have become open to online marketing. One SMB that has followed and studied social media trends is Naked Pizza. It is a pizza shop based in New Orleans, LA.
In 2009, it was aiming to go national, with the support of multimillionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. But even with the support of a well-known person, if you aren't able to put yourself out there and make your name known, you cannot possibly succeed in a big time venture.
Because of this big challenge, Naked Pizza decided to take on Twitter marketing. Twitter marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing yourself through social media. In order to successfully sell your company in Twitter, you have to study current social media trends and find different ways of making the community listen to you. Twitter is basically a networked microblog.
For business, it is great for broadcasting new offers and events. But for small and medium sized business, the best thing that can be done in Twitter is to win customers over. This can be done in what's called Twitter promotions.
Twitter has already done a lot for the Naked Pizza business. Most of the attention is has now is because of the many promotions it ran via Twitter. What makes Naked Pizza special is the health difference it makes versus other pizza shops. Unlike other national pizza places that have already made a name for themselves, Naked Pizza is healthy. That in itself is a marketable characteristic. But the thing is not all people know about it.
But after all Naked Pizza's, Twitter promotions, people now know of the health benefits it offers. If you could get the same great tastes in a much healthier package, would you not go for it? This is exactly what the pizza company promoted to the online Twitter community.
Twitter marketing has definitely done a lot for the Naked Pizza business. After their first Twitter promo, it had a 15% sales increase. In May 29, 2009, roughly 68% of the customers who called in for an order were calling in as a Twitter follower. That is just how important Twitter is for this company. Naked Pizza is living proof of the effectiveness of social media marketing for an SMB.
More info at http://www.hosealim.com/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hosea_Lim |

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