The Naked Beauty program is a fitness plan created by lower body expert trainer, Joey Atlas. The purpose of the program is to help women reduce or eliminate the cellulite that appears on their thighs and butt. It is a series of short and focused body weight exercises that you can do at home. The exercises target your cellulite trouble spots and improve the muscle tone and strength in those areas.
When your muscles are stronger there, they can better support the fat and skin tissue above them and push them outward, basically eliminating the cellulite look. This is the Joey Atlas method of getting rid of your cellulite.
With so many cellulite products on the market promising the world and delivering very little, it's encouraging to see actual user testimonials by women who've used this exercise plan to improve or eliminate their cellulite.
However, this doesn't mean that the Naked Beauty program is perfect. It's worth it to know the pros and cons of this plan before you just jump right into it.
- The Naked Beauty program has many positive testimonials from women who were able to get rid of their cellulite with it.
- Joey Atlas is known for his expertise in training women to improve their lower body.
- All of the exercises in the program are body weight exercises that can easily be done at home, so this is a perfect program for busy women.
- The entire workout routine you need to do takes 15 minutes when you start out and 22 minutes as you build strength. All of the exercises are simple to and don't require a lot of effort.
- You should see results within 24 days in total as long as you do the exercises as you should.
- The program includes some nice bonuses including video exercise sessions for your abs and your arms.
- Naked beauty comes with a 60 day money back guarantee.
- This program does not get rid of thigh fat or butt fat. The purpose is to improve muscle tone to prevent that waffly look of cellulite. Don't mistake this for a fat burning program.
- Mainly focuses on your cellulite body parts so this is a very focused exercises program for one purpose only.
This is a program that may help you get rid of your cellulite. If this is your main goal then go ahead and use it. If not then it is not right for you.
For more on how this program works visit Naked Beauty Cellulite Program Review. For more tips visit How to Get Rid of Cellulite. John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport |

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